
Picture Time!

1) What do you want to be when you grow up? An Author 2) Favourite vegetable? Broccoli 3)Tell me one fact about you. I'm a bookworm 4)What talent do you wish you had?  Good at dancing 5)Least favorite food? Cheese 6) Describe yourself in one word. Cool 7) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? Buy Books


1. If you could have lunch with any celebrity, who would it be?selena gomez 2. Pepsi or Coca Cola?coco cola 3. Amusement Park or Beach BBQ?amusement park 4. What is the weirdest food you've ever eaten?fries dipped in ice-cream 5. Cookies or Brownies?cookies 6. Headphones or Earphones?earphones 7. Sunrise or Sunset?sunset 8. Scariest movie you have seen?it 9. The pokemon I wish I could catch is ........deoxys 10. My favourite TV show is of rock and game shakers 11. Mee goreng or Maggi Mee?mee goreng 12. KFC or MCD?MCD 13. You're stuck on a desert Island for a month (no WIFI).        a. Name 2 people you'd pick to be stuck with you.Chloe Lim ans Sian Hee       b. Name 5 things you'd bring (the island already has food and water).a helicopter,music radio,clothes,pants,accesories 14.  What food will you absolutely not, no matter what, eat?chesse 15. If you could change your name what would it be?bethany 16. Where do you wish to live one

A to Z

A- APPLES OR ORANGES - apples B- BIRTHDAY- 25 February 2007 C- CATS OR DOGS -dogs D- DRINK YOU LAST HAD TODAY-milo E- EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO-rebekah   F- FAVORITE SONG AT THIS MOMENT-weak  G- GIRL OR BOY -girl    H- HARRY POTTER OR STYLES- harry potter I- ICE CREAM FLAVOUR -chocolate and cookies and cream   J- JUSTIN BIEBER OR TIMBERLAKE -timberlake  K- KITKAT OR MARS BAR -kitkat L- LONGEST SLEEPING TIME -12hours  M- MOST BORING THING YOU HAVE DONE-read an history book N- NUMBER OF SIBLINGS- 1  O- ONE WISH-a new phone cover P- PERSON YOU CALLED LAST-celine  Q- QUOTE-never judge a book by its cover   R- REASON TO SMILE-books S- SONG YOU LAST HEARD- story of my life  T- TIME YOU WOKE UP-6.00  U- UMBRELLA COLOUR -blue V- VEGETABLE- brocolli W- WORST HABIT-smelling books X- X-RAYS YOU HAD DONE MOST RECENTLY - never   Y- YOYO'S ARE:cool Z- ZODIAC SIGN-pieces

First Letter

1. What is your name:Saung 2. A four letter word: Sand  3. A boy's name: Samuel 4. A girl's name:Susan  5. An occupation: Sailor 6. A color: Sliver 7. Something you wear: Shoes  8. A food: Sandwich  9. Something found in the bathroom: Soap  10. A place: Singapore 11. A reason for being late:  Slow traffic 12. Something you shout: Stop 13. A movie title:Stars Wars 14. Something you drink: Sprite 15. A singer/ band: Selena Gomez 16. An animal: Salmon 17. A jalan name: Sengkurong 18. A type of car: Suzuki 19. A song title: Sorry 20. A verb: Sing

The Last Movie I Watched

1.The last movie I watched was called ' The Quiet Place ' 2.It was an interesting movie to watch. 3.The movie was quite scary but fun to watch at the same time. 4.The movie was really heart-racing that I almost dropped my popcorn. 5.I really enjoyed the movie.

Hello World!

This is my first blog! YAY!